“I was pleased to learn of film, Tango Shalom, which is intended to foster the values of fraternal solidarity and peace on a global level.”
— Pope Francis
Read the full article here
“Tango Shalom,” which is populated by bearded Chassidim — not as caricatures or exotics, but as three-dimensional characters facing life’s dilemmas and joys."
— Jewish Journal


Behind the Film

Score by Zoe Tiganouria and Zizi Bologna
Soundtrack provided by Universal Music includes multiple Grammy® Award-winning Gordon Goodwin, Latin Grammy®-nominated Tango sensation Daniel Binelli, British chart-toppers Touch and Go, The Circolo S. Pietro del Vaticano Choir, as well as modern Klezmer bands Golem, The Burning Bush, and Barcelona Gypsy Klezmer Band

See All Cast + Crew

Interfaith Community
UNESCO is actively promoting our theatrical run to help spread Forbidden Tango formerly Tango Shalom's message of interfaith dialogue and tolerance.

The Laniado brothers’ Production Company name Convivencia Forever Films comes from La Convivencia which means coexistence. La Convivencia was an era just before 1492 when the Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived and worked in peace and harmony. The Laniado brothers (Jos, Claudio) had the idea to form a company with the mission of making projects which will be entertaining, open doors of dialogue, enlarge the doors that are open, raise the level of human consciousness, and hopefully impact a positive social change. Forbidden Tango formerly Tango Shalom was the Laniado brothers’ first feature narrative, and with the help of seasoned producers such as Joel Zwick(director of My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Robert Meyer Burnett (Agent Cody Banks), Yan Fisher-Romanovsky (remake of Papillon with Oscar® winner Rami Malek, and Charles Hunnam), the Bologna family (Gabriel Bologna, Joseph Bologna, Renée Taylor, Zizi Bologna), and other fine producers, they were able to complete the final mix of Forbidden Tango formerly Tango Shalom on August 13, 2021.
Get in Touch
media/press inquiries: andrea@amckpr.com
distribution: lise@visionfilms.net
digital marketing: admin@DZLconsulting.com